Week three already. Two down and ten to go.

We knew that class would move quickly, but I’m not sure any of my classmates or I realized that we would be building fully functioning Rails apps after just five or six classes (even if they are simple and locally hosted)– but the most impressive part is actually how well we understand these apps. We probably could have gotten a functioning app up much more quickly using scaffolds and templates, but Jeff, our teacher, did a wonderful job of showing us how to build things from scratch- and more importantly, making sure we understood what was happening- and then in a matter of fell swoops shows us the quick way to get things up and running. I sat in on the “Accelerated” group’s Thursday class and the pairing of Alfonso and Jin described what happens best when Jeff shows us the “magic”:

Just this past Thursday, I was sitting in paired programming with my classmate, Alfonso, and we were getting bombarded with knowledge bombs. On two separate occasions, there was virtual brain matter all around us after our minds were blown.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up every day for me. We’ve been asked to document our “A-HA!” moments during class and I feel like just about every time I sit in front of a computer in the last two weeks I have an A-HA moment. I can’t wait for this week’s batch.