I’ve been fighting a cold all week so this will be a quick post. 

I can’t believe it on so many levels, but Code Academy Demo Night is just nine nights away. The past two months just flew by and it’s hard to believe that it’s almost over but harder to believe how far we’ve come already. 

Since my energy levels have been low this week I’ve been doing more consuming than producing: mainly reading (books and code), working on the Ruby Koans (just 60 to go) and going over my class notes– which line up with the Apprenticeship Pattern, “Record What You Learn”

I’ve kept all my notes from each day of class, speakers, and readings in a great program called DevonThink. I have about 80 files of notes after the past two months but I can easily search them and the more I work on projects (my own or others) I find myself often going back to my notes. I’ve also been publishing them to our Code Academy Dropbox in case anyone else can use them or missed a day of class. Since I wasn’t feeling up to starting anything new this weekend I forced myself to go back, read the notes, and then write up weekly digests for the past five weeks. It was really interesting (and a little fun) to connect the dots between things we learned at different times and then augment or correct my earlier notes. Ha! One month-younger me was so naïve… never knew what was coming.