Not a lot to report on for Tuesday, just a busy day.

I’m still chipping away at the Minimax algorithm and made some incremental progress. I also took my second run at the Prime Factors kata too and managed to TDD my way to a solution. It’s definitely not optomized though as insanely large numbers take quite a bit of time.

Paul, Dan and I are presenting at tonight’s Code Academy Demo Day and had our rehearsal last night, so I spent some time prepping our slides and thinking about my portion of the presentation. We’re doing a 200mph drive-by of the project and offering some advice to the outgoing class. It really comes down to two words… which I’ll write about tomorrow.

Then after rehearsal I hustled back to 8th Light to catch Aaron Bedra’s talk on test.generative and discussion of alternative approaches to testing. It definitely got the wheels turning. I’ll write more once I’ve had a chance to do some research.